Edit what you write

Edit Like a Man

[Editors Note: This originally appeared as part of the BlogOfManly writer’s guide. ]

As a group, the Blog of Manly authors are solid writers.

Therefore, this list of writing guidelines is not meant as a sharp correction, but instead as a baseline from which our men can choose to deviate when appropriate. Formulaic writing is boring and dry. Grammar-less writing is sloppy and disingenuous. Good writing is formulaic, but breaks the rules when appropriate.

Blog of Manly has no purpose if we are not able to engage our audience. Therefore, all of these rules and guidelines should be willingly sacrificed at the altar of engagement.



5 opinions on “Edit Like a Man”

  1. This is also a comment, thanking you for writing this. I have always had difficulty writing, because I write like I speak. Which makes it difficult to get my point across. I am going to make note cards out of this for reference.

    1. I’m glad you like it, and I hope you find it useful. Writing like you speak is crucial, because that *is* your voice. The hard part is making sure that the readers who don’t know you personally can still understand what you are saying. Of course, if you ever have any questions, I’d love to help you answer them! Keep up the solid work!

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