iCreateDaily – Daily Art Challenge – Day 4

A blood-curdling scream erupts. But not from me.
I had turned my face slightly to the right. It is so dark, yet I can see where my face points, as if I am somehow emitting light.

I jerk my head back to the left in frustration.

Everything I need in life right now is to my right. If I can only turn my head so I can see to walk that way.

I try to shuffle to the right, keeping my face turned. My foot hits something from and I stumble. I inadvertently look to the right. The scream is louder, closer. Terrifying. I jerk away.

What can I do? I feel a clock ticking, time moving inevitability forward. I curse the my own mortality. I literally feel like I am suffocating, every step I don’t take.

Whatever stands to my right seems to inch closer, somehow weighing me down without even touching me.

I squeeze my eyes closed, cram my fingers in my ears, and turn to the right. The scream cuts through my heart, liquifies my resolve. And the smell! Burning, singed. I can hear the creature gasping as I turn back.

I cannot do this. I don’t know what stands between me and my own life, but am I worth its pain? Who am I to cause another creature such pain so that I can live? Am I worthy of that?

I wallow briefly in my indecision.

I steel my resolve, summon my will to live – to genuinely and truly live. I vow to live my life worthy of this creature’s pain and sacrifice for me.

But live I will.

I stand straight and tall, shoulders back, and realize that no matter what I am about to experience, my art and my life are worth this temporary discomfort and sacrifice.

I snap to my right and face full on this creature, this oppression, this weight.

There is no scream, no smell of burning flesh. Only a wispy, rapidly dissipating dark cloud. And a strange smell of hope, freedom.

A smile crawls across my lips, as I take my first step.

I knew that creature after all, it was my own fear.
“When you face the fear it evaporates. Shadows cannot withstand the light.”

~LeAura Alderson

2 opinions on “iCreateDaily – Daily Art Challenge – Day 4”

  1. I really enjoyed this post, Chris! You had my heart racing pretty fast at one point. Fear is a big monster that waits to consume us, if we let it. Nicely written.

    1. Hey friend! Thank you for taking the time to stop by! I’m so glad you liked this, it was a fun thing to visualize!

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