
Why am I starting yet another blog in an environment littered with more blogs than any human could possibly consume on a daily basis? What makes me think I have anything worth saying? Who am I to think anyone will ever waste any time reading anything I will write here?

Those are the fears, speaking into my mind, even as I try to write this. “Fear is the mind killer” said Frank Herbet, in Dune. And he is exactly right – I have been chewing on what to write in this entry for probably two weeks now. Why? Because I want my motivation to be the first entry, and thus I have been paralyzed by fear of it being anything other than perfect. My standard is that this entry must be, by turns, epic, energizing, weep-inducing, groundbreaking, personal, etc, etc, etc.

Here’s the root of why I’m doing this, and it has nothing to do with you, dear reader. This blog is for me. God has blessed me with both a gift and a burden for expressing ideas, including through written word. Thus, this blog is my playground, my accountability partner, and my muse. Some days I will be prolific, and some weeks it will be a ghost town here. But I have lots of ideas that I want to play with here, and that’s what I hope to do.


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